Thursday, January 26, 2012

DeltaLab SC1 Stereo Chorus

The DeltaLab SC1 Stereo Chorus is a solidly built, true-bypass stereo chorus pedal.  It has three simple controls: Rate, Depth, and Level.  They are all pretty self explanatory.  Rate controls the speed of the chorus  sweep, Depth controls how wide the sweeps are, and Level controls how much chorus you will hear in your signal.  The only other control is the on/off switch, which is very solid and has very positive operation.  The LED flashes in time with the Rate control, which is a nice bonus feature so one has a visual reference on how fast the chorus sweep is.  One quirk that this pedal has is that the second (stereo) output is only active when the effect is active, going dead when in bypass mode.  It isn't a defect, but it is different from other chorus pedals that I have used.  I put it in my effects chain just after my DeltaLab MD1 Metal Distortion.  If set subtly, the SC1 provides a thickening of the distortion and allows for epic harmonics and sustain sounds.  Played clean, the SC1 can provide anything from a deep, light sweep to a speedy warble that really has mostly novelty use.  It falls in the middle as far as how powerful the effect is when compared to others that I have used.  Not too much and not too little.  And the price is right.  I paid only $44 for mine.  Highly recommended for jazz, thickening distortion, and shimmering clean sounds.


  1. Cool pedal. And I love the color. Very hip.

  2. Why is it important for the chorus effect to be in stereo? Does that improve the sound?

    1. Chorus is better is stereo because it allows for a swishier effect. You can have different sounds coming from two amps at once and it makes it really cool!
